Friday, January 8, 2010

May I have a piece of your peace, please?

A Spanish presentation due Friday, a literature paper to write, dozens of math problems to force my way through, piles of chemistry, Bible and history homework, a Sunday School lesson to prepare, a whole school picture to organize… This past week in my life has been extremely hectic, as I’m sure all of you can relate to! Sometimes life has a tendency to pile work on us all at one time, either pushing us to the point of frustration or pushing us closer towards the peace Jesus offers us.

Peace.  Something that’s seems to be lacking in much of my life as I race from one thing to another, constantly stressing about tests, homework and responsibilities.  It feels like peace is unattainable.  But Jesus tells his disciples a radically different message.  Part of his message is “to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:27).  The Greek word for peace in this verse is eirēnē, which means “a state of natural tranquility, exemption from the rage and havoc of war” (

When I’m stressed out, I definitely feel like I’m experiencing the rage and havoc of war.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to exchange those feelings for peace and tranquility?  This is the trade Jesus offers us.  His wonderful peace is free for the asking, but we need to ask.  When we ask Him, He can do something beyond our wildest imaginings: calm our stressed souls and give us true peace.  A peace beyond understanding.  This is too good of a deal to pass up!

But there’s a catch: By asking God for help, we’re surrendering control of our lives.  We’re saying that we can’t do it all by yourselves and need help.  We are giving the reigns of our life over to God.  Worry and frustration are essentially a lack of trust in God’s goodness.  We need to trust completely to experience complete peace.  But our trust is rewarded: God gives us abundant life, a life full of peace.

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