Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cassy's Next Step from the Stone Age

Let me explain my title. I am technologically challenged. I do not own a cell phone. I do not have a facebook account. I do not have an ipod. I do not have a Wii or anything similar. I do not understand texting lingo. This is what it looks like to me: alskgrivnaerghirnhgarigharhg. Just this past summer I got an email...and I'm 16. It took me a while to figure out how to add a post. I suppose no more explanation is needed!
On a happier note, I find this blogging thing quite intriguing. I haven't much to say typically, but will contribute what I can. Thus continues my journey out of the Stone Age.


  1. Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment! Looking forward to all of your delightful posts on Confederate candles and "itter berbs" :)

  2. mp3's dont count!!
    And thanks, Laura! I will be sure to write many enlightening and scholarly articles about itter newest candle scent!!

  3. and why don't mp3's count? they are very technological!
