Thursday, February 18, 2010

Humans As Horses

The other day I was cleaning out the horses' barn, a chore that has to be done at least once, sometimes twice, a day. As I was dumping the heaping wheelbarrow in the corn field, an epiphany came to me. Well, actually I had two thoughts. First, if I could sell this stuff, I would be richer than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Warren Buffet combined. Second, humans are like horses.
I know that sound strange, but it's true; let me explain. All horses do the same thing every day-- they constantly create disgusting filth from the rich, fresh hay that is provided to them. They drop fecal matter just about everywhere, they step in it, and my one horse even lies down in it every night. It is smelly and repulsive, yet I walk into the barn and, feeling pity and love for the helpless creatures, scrape away every trace of the offensive matter. I put down clean bedding (also known as sawdust shavings) for them, not because they want me to (though I'm sure that if they could talk, they would ask me to clean the barn for them), but because I love them and want to make their existing habitat clean.
In the same way, we are like the horses. God gave each one of us a clean heart when he sent his incredibly beloved Son to die for us sinful humans. And every day, we sin. We create nasty, wretched sin out of the clean "bedding" that God has given us. We take His gift and adulterate it. We walk in our sin, sleep in it, and live in it. But because He loves us so incredibly much, and for that reason alone, he shovels out all of our sin, casting it "into the cornfield", or as Psalm 103:12 says, "as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
God doesn't just cover up our sin with another layer of sawdust. He takes our manure and throws it out of our sight forever. And even though we keep on sinning, it doesn't matter to Him... It's funny how manure can remind us of such an important concept.


  1. Wow! that was awesome steph... the writing was excellent, and the point is definitely worth thinking about the rest of the day! :)
