Thursday, February 4, 2010

My True Love

I created this title only to trick people into thinking I was going to talk about some guy... but I'm not! In fact, it's not even referring to any sort of homo sapien. It's about my current project.
Since last summer, I've been a member of and have made it all the way to 1490!! My Finnish descendant, Olof Seppe, owned a farm in what is now near the border of Sweden and Finland. Awesome! I am also on the verge of putting pictures to go with the mysterious names in my family tree...thanks to my grandma! My tree is called "The Wilbur Family Tree" (this reminds me of "The Vonn Trap Family Singers!" and triumphant music...) If you are interested you can try to find it on the website, but I'm not sure if I'll have it on the "public" setting or not...perhaps I can regularly make it public for a day or so. Hey- I'll start with today! So if you want to see it, today is a good day to try it out! And if you want to make a tree for your own family, you can get it free (though limited) or pay a lot of money each month...your choice!


  1. Wow! Already back to 1490... that sounds really interesting Cassy!

    that's the link!!
